Motorola and Flipkart today launched the Moto G smartphone in India. The device is the latest offering from Motorola, which was launched some time ago. It will be available exclusively on Flipkart.
The device was launched some time ago and has finally come to India. Motorola has markets the device as an affordable device, which doesn’t compromise on features. The device is primarily aimed at markets like India.
The device has a 11.4-cm (4.5-inch) 720p HD display with the latest Corning Gorilla Glass protection. It is powered by the 1.2 Ghz Qualcomm Snapdragon 400 quad core processor along with 1 GB of RAM. This is the first device to sport the aforementioned processor.
The device comes with the Android 4.3 Jelly Bean operating system with a guaranteed update to the Android 4.4 KitKat in a matter of days. It also has dual-SIM support.
However, the best part of the device is the pricing. Motorola has priced the device at an exceptionally affordable Rs 12,499 for the 8 GB and Rs 13,999 for the 16 GB variant.