MultiTech Systems First to Leverage Telit m2mAIR Cloud-Ready Modules – IT Voice | IT in Depth

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MultiTech Systems First to Leverage Telit m2mAIR Cloud-Ready Modules

Telit selects award-winning MultiTech Quick Carrier™ USB-D modem to demonstrate important milestone in the Internet of Things Made Plug & Play.

image001 (4)Telit Wireless Solutions, a leading global provider of high-quality machine-to-machine (M2M) modules and services, and MultiTech Systems, a leading provider of machine-to-machine (M2M) communications technology platforms, today announced a strategic partnership to simplify the development and deployment of comprehensive M2M and Internet of Things (IoT) applications. The MultiTech Quick Carrier USB-D cellular dongle, featuring the cloud-ready Telit HE910 cellular module, is a part of the company’s extensive line of modems, routers and gateway devices designed to easily enable M2M (machine-to-machine) communications. QuickCarrier dongles are fully certified and approved for use on all major cellular networks to facilitate global deployment with a single device. By embedding the m2mAIR Cloud API, the MultiTech device now enables users to click-to-cloud with just a few simple AT commands – saving hundreds of lines of code and months of development work.

The m2mAIR Cloud Platform-as-a-Service, powered by deviceWISE, reduces risk, time-to-market, complexity and cost versus building a custom point-solution. It features comprehensive management and configuration capabilities for any device or data transfer – from basic solutions to global, enterprise-grade deployments. Plus, it’s easy-to-use portal lets adopters visualize data in easy-to-read dashboards, right out of the box. TR-50-compliant m2mAIR Cloud services meet or exceed even the most stringent enterprise requirements for mission-critical reliability, security, scalability and performance – with delay for expensive consulting agreements.

“We have been leveraging Telit technology for many years and across much of our product line,” said Rod Landers, CEO of MultiTech Systems. “Both companies are committed to reducing barriers to adoption and providing the simplest possible way for our customers to expand the Internet of Things.”

“This totally unique, combined solution truly delivers on the promise of the Internet of Things Made Plug & Play,” said Yossi Moscovitz, President of Telit Wireless Solutions. “We’re delighted to have been chosen time and again by MultiTech to support their solutions and even more pleased to be able to choose this award-winning USB dongle to demonstrate this important milestone toward achieving our vision.”

The click-to-cloud simplicity of cloud-ready Telit modules inside MultiTech QuickCarrier USB-D cellular dongles will be on display September 9-11, 2014 in the M2M Zone at CTIA, at both the Telit booth #5628 and the MultiTech booth #5526. Developers interested in working with the new embedded API should visit to participate in a free trial.

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