New Kaspersky Endpoint Security Cloud Protects Businesses on Mac Devices and Delivers Advanced Functionality to MSPs – IT Voice | IT in Depth

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New Kaspersky Endpoint Security Cloud Protects Businesses on Mac Devices and Delivers Advanced Functionality to MSPs

The danger for businesses using Macs is real: in 2016, Kaspersky Lab detected 11.8 million cyber-attacks against Mac users. MacOS-specific malware, OS-agnostic phishing and “man in the middle” type of attackscan easilyrefute the false sense of securityfelt among Apple advocates. To save companies fromtheir overconfidence in the secure nature of these devices, Kaspersky Lab hasreleased a new generation ofits Kaspersky Endpoint Security Cloud. It provides corporate Macs with cloud-based multilayered protection and givesservice providers more automation and management capabilities.
Protecting from the real threat to Macs
Cybercriminals today are not put off by Apple platforms’ built-in security features. 2016-2017has seen theemergence of new Mac threats: from the first known, entirely Mac-focused ransomware KeRanger in March 2016, to the ‘Fruitfly’ malware and the ‘Patcher’ ransomware in early 2017.This does not includetargeted spam, phishing and social engineering threats aimed at people, not operating systems, which may leave MacOS security technologies helpless.
In fact, it’s the perceived immunity to cyberthreats that makes Macsan attractive target for moresophisticated malware developers. Criminals can use these less vulnerable, but typically unprotectedsystems to access the wider corporate network. It is therefore not only design studios, advertising agencies or start-ups where Macs dominate,which are in danger. Securing both Windows and Mac operating systems, along with mobile platforms, becomes a challenge for businesses with mixed IT environments.
To help these companies ensure security across all platforms, Kaspersky Lab has released a new generation of Kaspersky Endpoint Security Cloudthat now protects corporate Macs. Kaspersky Endpoint Security Cloud allows small and medium-sized businesses to simplify their securityroutinethrough managing multiple MacOS and Windows workstations, mobile devices and file servers remotely, via its intuitive cloud-based console. Corporate Macusers will now receive multi-layered antimalware protection and web protection, along with configuration of scan exclusions and optimized usage of computer resources.
More automation and simplified management for MSPs
Managing several customer accounts at once, service providers need special tools to achieve ultimate visibility and control over the workflow, seamless automated billing and reporting, and unified management of security. To guarantee that, Kaspersky Lab has completed the integration of Kaspersky Endpoint Security Cloud with industry-leading remote monitoring and management (RMM) and professional service automation (PSA) platforms ― ConnectWise Manage and ConnectWise Automate.
With Kaspersky Security Integration Plugin installed, MSP teams have access to automated security scanning and updates, remote client deployment, and a centralized security dashboard to manage customers’ accounts from a single ConnectWise console.
Due to the updated cloud management console in Kaspersky Endpoint Security Cloud, MSPs can now assign several administrators to manage IT security. This provides extra flexibility for service provider teams and visibility for their customers,who can now monitor protection by delegating administrator rights to internal staff. A built-in MSP dashboard includes a list of companies, number of devices, available licenses and license duration dates, so that MSPs can have a business snapshot for all managed companies on one screen.
“We are excited to release the next generation ofKaspersky Endpoint Security Cloud that now protects businesses with Mac computers. It ensuresthat protection from cyberthreats doesn’t detract small and medium size businesses from other tasks and that their entire corporate network stays protected — even if they only have 15 minutes to spend on security. If no internal resources are available, the solution also helps when outsourcing IT security to a service provider, by ensuring they can still keep track of what’s going on in their infrastructure”commentsVladimir Zapolyansky, Head of SMB Business, Kaspersky Lab.
Kaspersky Endpoint Security Cloud is available globally now, as a part of Kaspersky Lab’s portfolio for small and medium size businesses.To learn more about the product and download the new trial version please visit our corporate website.
SMBs can empower themselves with a range of solutions dedicated to meet the specific and varied requirements of the very small through to medium-size businesses. Kaspersky Small Office Security, Kaspersky Endpoint Security Cloud and Kaspersky Endpoint Security for Business all provide multi-layered protection from well-known and emerging threats.More information about the product portfolio and our Managed Service ProviderProgram is available onthe Partners page of theKaspersky Labwebsite.
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