Police on Sunday launched a mobile application which facilitates the users to voluntarily report a crime/violation with or without disclosing identity. The mobile app – Citizen Cop – also gives an important safety feature allowing users to create a virtual boundary around themselves using GPS. If the mobile phone crosses the fenced boundary, an alert message is immediately sent to the registered contacts of family members.
For example, if a woman user has created a safe zone as Noida, the SOS will be sent once the person crosses the Noida border. The useful functionality aims to improve women and children safety.
Indore based Citizen Cop Foundation has developed this mobile application. The Foundation in association with police previously launched this app in Chhattisgarh and Madhya Pradesh. In July 2015, the Jhansi police had also launched this mobile application.
The mobile application aims to bring police and citizens together to fight crime. The app has features like report an incident, call police, call administration, help me, my safe zone, towing vehicle search, emergency calls, etc.
Kiran S, SSP Gautam Budh Nagar, said that that sometimes people do not inform police fearing they will be questioned. “The Citizen Cop application does not disclose the identity of the sender. We hope the residents will cooperate in sending the messages and information to fight crime. They can also sent information like traffic violations. We assure that swift and prompt action will be taken on all complaints,” he said.
The users can send photos, videos and voice messages with the mobile application. The messages will be received at the control room. The mobile application also has a feature of news updates. “We will provide useful information and updates to citizens through this feature,” SSP said.
Rakesh Jain, director of Citizen Cop Foundation, said the mobile application was first launched in Madhya Pradesh in 2013. “We got good response from the citizens. Citizens and police successfully averted several crimes cases and also exposed several gangs. We then launched the application in Chhattisgarh and Jhansi,” he said.
Jain said that in case of emergency, the users can press one button and SOS will be sent to four trusted contact numbers and police. “The moment users feel insecure and need help, they can simply click on “Help Me” button to send SOS message to the registered contact numbers with your location. He said that last month, getting information from mobile application, Indore police successfully rescued a young girl who was abducted by some criminals.
The application can be downloaded free of cost from Google Play and I-phone app store.