“NovelVox has enabled different conversational AI solutions for humanized customer experience at scale.”- Mr. Amit Kumar Gandhi founder NovelVox – IT Voice | IT in Depth

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“NovelVox has enabled different conversational AI solutions for humanized customer experience at scale.”- Mr. Amit Kumar Gandhi founder NovelVox

"NovelVox has enabled different conversational AI solutions for humanized customer experience at scale."- Mr. Amit Kumar Gandhi founder NovelVox

Here’s the interview snippet from the interaction with Mr. Amit Kumar Gandhi founder NovelVox.

Saumya:- Please brief us about the services or solutions you provide to your customers and how they get value out of them?

Amit: NovelVox came into existence in 2008, intending to provide software solutions to contact centers, or call centers as we commonly call them. When the industry was booming, even as it continued to function in an old fashioned manner. So, offering digitization opportunities to this industry helped them immensely. The first line of our product was NovelVox Designer Studio, which was the first Agent Desktop designer studio that helped create an Agent Desktop with a drag and drop designer in a low code model and drive business performance improvement. It allowed the agents to access all information at the click of a mouse and made their work streamlined and organized, thereby offering an assimilated solution.

CXInfinity was later launched, becoming an omnichannel messaging and conversation AI, providing better ROI and seamless customer service. We increased our loyal customer base with this product. The advantage of our solutions can be seen in the way the phone, chat, email, text, and social communication of a client are available in a single workspace. It ensures that the agent can access all information in one single window. Access to conversation history is another crucial advantage that an agent enjoys.

All these solutions have been developed keeping in mind the ever-changing needs of the contact center industry. And today, we have more than 14 years of experience in this industry and are always working towards making the life of an agent more manageable, which will lead to better productivity and benefit the company in the long run.

Saumya: Tell us how your company contributes to the nation’s AI or Cloud Computing industry and how the company benefits the customers?

Amit: NovelVox has enabled different conversational AI solutions for humanized customer experience at scale. The AI-driven chatbot, voicebots, and sentiment analyzer, named InfiBOT, have been developed to provide each customer with a unique experience. It led to a 38% reduction in voice calls, which meant the workforce saved thus could be utilized for other purposes. The automated processes ensure that repetitive tasks dealing with AI need not be done with human interference.

Agent productivity tools like Agent Accelerators, Smart CTI Connectors, aforementioned digital engagement platform CXInfinity, AI-powered Chatbot  voicebots, and real-time reporting tools like Wallboards, agent dashboards, and Reporting Plus have empowered the agents to set out bigger targets rather than chasing monotonous and repetitive tasks.

Saumya: How AI in contact centers will transform the banking experience?

Amit: Any business which has the needs to respond to queries from its target audience in bulk needs our solutions. During covid times, people were stuck indoors, and banking was one sector apart from healthcare that did not and could not shut. AI in contact centers has the potential to transform the banking experience by automating mundane, repetitive tasks that don’t need human interference.

The automated process enables transactions to be carried on smoothly and error-free. Long gone are the days when you needed to visit the bank for every cash or cheque deposit or withdrawal. Today everything is possible with the click of the mouse, and AI has a significant role to play in it.

Saumya: How do banks and financial institutions improve employee satisfaction using contact center technology?

Amit: The banking sector can be revolutionized by using AI in a contact center. These financial institutes deal with a considerable amount of data on an everyday basis. While the one-on-one human experience is passe, everybody wants a quick solution. And digitizing and automating the financial and baking institutions. The contact centers are effective here, as customers often have minor issues or need help troubleshooting fundamental issues. In the future, the dependence on AI will improve in this sector.

Saumya: How is your company helping customers deliver relevant business outcomes by adopting the company’s technology innovations?

Amit: Any business aims to overcome challenges by offering quick solutions and even quicker resolutions. We provide a personalized experience, quicker resolution, and 365x24x7 support. It is only possible with the contact center solutions we provide to our agents. A unified view of caller history and information helps the agent think quickly and provide a unique solution that hasn’t been done previously. And it is only possible because of how the companies have adopted the innovations and utilized them for maximum benefit.

Saumya:  Can you throw some light on your business strategy for the next year, 2022?

Amit: The future is all about AI chatbots, and we are working hard on providing the best solutions to our contact center clients. Today 44% of end-users prefer to connect with a chatbot, as they get quick solutions compared to waiting to connect with an agent, who might suggest a similar solution in a long time. So our business strategy is to build upon our AI chatbots and ensure that they seep into every industry that will require them. Cloud-based solutions will be the next big step as most of our data is being stored on clouds instead of traditional hard disks, which is not cost-efficient, and there is a considerable risk of the data getting deleted or crashing at any moment. So 2022 onwards, we want a digital revolution in the industry.

Saumya: How is your software demand in the national and international market?

Amit: We live in times when people prefer the real-time virtual experience to going out and physically visit a store. It has opened the gates to many industries, not just at the national level but also at the international level. The chatbots and voice bots with omnichannel management software are the need of the hour. And we are ready to serve clients anywhere across the globe.

Saumya: How are your services different from your competitors?

Amit: Our most significant advantage is our experience of 14 years. It has enabled us to be the industry innovators, lead from the front, and bring solutions that were unthinkable till a few years ago. We ensure seamless integration with more than 75 third-party applications and core systems for a unified view of customer information. This allows us to gain a lead over our competitors. Anyway, instead of competing with others, we always compete with ourselves, pushing ourselves to do better and give better solutions to our loyal customers.

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