Portuguese Broadcasters Elect wTVision As The Graphics Provider On The Local Election – IT Voice | IT in Depth

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Portuguese Broadcasters Elect wTVision As The Graphics Provider On The Local Election

IT Voice wtvision LogowTVision made the graphics coverage of the Portuguese Local Election for 5 TV Channels: RTP1, RTP Madeira, RTP Açores, TVI and Porto Canal. During the election night, wTVision presented the results, in real-time, through different kind of graphics: full screen graphics, tickers and augmented reality graphics.
To improve the broadcasts, wTVision integrated interactive devices for a more dynamic graphics presentation (touch screen and ipad).

wTVision provided an end-to-end service that included the graphics project implementation using different graphic engines, the customization of wTVision’s software and as usual, the on-site support and operation before and during the election coverage.

The software platform used was Elections CG, a highly customizable solution that handles all the prime functions required for a special electoral TV program: Data Management and Graphics Playout, in real-time.

Working for RTP1, the public TV Station in Portugal, wTVision provided a complete graphics coverage with different applications, as explains Inês Ribeiro, wTVision Project Manager for RTP: “This project included two key “pieces”, a led wall and anipad. The host presenter was using an ipad control application to select and launch the graphics running on the led wall that were then turned in full-screen graphics.

The led wall was still used to present relevant electoral information, such as the map of Portugal divided in regions, which was being filled with the parties’ colors as they were known, in real-time, and also to display pictures of the candidates elected and live video feeds of the main presidents and heads of parties present from north to south of Portugal.

Viewers were also presented with virtual graphics, on an existing set, with which the anchor could interact, explaining their meaning while our team was controlling them from our product Elections CG on the backstage”.

To complement this broadcast, a ticker was used with projections and results of the winners during the whole night. Also, a pop-up was shown as a president was known with her/his picture and logo of the party.

The other company’s client, TVI, presented their viewers an interactive broadcast with virtual graphics controlled by a touch screen.

Flávio Maurício, wTVision Project Management Director commented: “This project included the development of an interface to be used by the anchor, on a touch screen, that served as a controller for the augmented reality graphics. These virtual graphics presented important information to help viewers to better understand the new political panorama in Portugal such as data comparisons with other election years, the pictures of the new presidents elected and the logo of their parties, for example”.

To complement this scenario, full-screen graphics were also shown as well as leads that presented updated data feeds presenting the winner parties for each region.

For both RTP and TVI, wTVision also provided graphics for the newscasts that covered the “aftermatch” of the elections withanalysis of the final results, using the same graphics project used on the previous Sunday.

For the other three regional tv channels (RTP Madeira, RTP Açores and Porto Canal) wTVision provided a “standard package”with full-screen graphics and a ticker with live data feeds.

Several weeks before the election night, wTVision provided to Porto Canal its Debate-Timers solution, an application that records the time each intervenient speaks, presents this information through graphics and help the interviewer to decide who should have the opportunity to speak next.

wTVision is the world leader providing election coverage based on a service-model, having developed customized solutions for over 70 electoral projects in 8 different countries.

For more information go to http://www.wtvision.com/en/press-kit or send an email to marketing@wtvision.com with your questions.