Pre-Budget Expectations From Vinay Sinha, Head of Sales – India, Director, Commercial Business,AMD – IT Voice | IT in Depth

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Pre-Budget Expectations From Vinay Sinha, Head of Sales – India, Director, Commercial Business,AMD

Spokesperson: Vinay Sinha, Head of Sales – India, Director – Commercial Business, AMD Asia Pacific-Japan (APJ) Mega Region

About Spokesperson:In his current role, Vinay Sinhais

Vinay Sinha
Vinay Sinha, Head of Sales – India, Director – Commercial Business, AMD Asia Pacific-Japan (APJ) Mega Region

responsible for overall sales of AMD in India and the enterprise business at the Asia-Pacific and Japan level, which has seen an exponential growth during his tenure.He is an exceptionally strong commercial business leader with accountabilities that remit across strategic sales and operational leadership roles within the complex large Government & large PSU tenders, multinational and corporate set ups.

What is your expectation from the Union Budget? How do you think it can impact the IT industry?
Last year’s budget was rational and realistic for IT companies, and we hope that this year’s budget will continue in the same vein. In fact, programs such as Digital India, Start-Up India, Stand-Up India, Smart Cities and Skill India, etc. require the creation of technological infrastructure that will need budgetary support. We therefore expect the focus of this year’s budget to be on digital literacy, improved connectivity and access to technology supported by radical government process re-engineering, which will not only empower citizens but also enablestart-ups and large organisations to experience digital transformation. If schemes launched last year like the IT based student financial aid scheme for animation and gaming along with the Innovation Promotion Platform to foster a culture of innovation, research and development are implemented this year, they will positively impact the Indian IT ecosystem.

What are the announcements, which if made, can have a positive impact in your organisation?
This year’s budget should aggressively promote R&D benefits so that the organisations are encouraged to innovate and come up with newer technologies. Investment allowances for IT adoption must also be made to promote India as a premiere destination for both hardware and software development. We look forward to India becoming a centre of excellence for product development and design.

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