Predictive Personalization To Guarantee Campaign Responses: Manthan Brings Another First In Customer Analytics – IT Voice | IT in Depth

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Predictive Personalization To Guarantee Campaign Responses: Manthan Brings Another First In Customer Analytics

Manthan unveils enhanced TargetOne at NRF2016, with A/B testing and personalized mobile notification capabilities

1-to-1 dialogue with shoppers is now easier and more Manthan logo analyze decide donuanced with Manthan’s 2016 release of TargetOne. TargetOne is a centralized hub for analytics-driven personalization that embeds recommendation engines to execute contextual, real-time personalised communications.

“Marketers can now use A/B tests as part of their campaign personalization strategies to identify the ideal creative treatment, headline, copy, or channel mix that will bring about the maximum response from the target segment. The champion-challenger approach that the capability adopts automates the optimal choice to deliver proven campaign responses” said Hillary Ashton, SVP, Solutions, Manthan.

TargetOne is a cloud based SaaS solution that leverages insights from customer behavior, web click streams, social media engagement, mobile app usage, and response patterns to match ideal promotional offers and messages to match shoppers’ preferences and intent to purchase. The recommendation engines are able to recognize and tailor recommendations for frequent re-buy cycles in grocery or fast fashion as well as sparse repeats of specialty softlines or hardlines.

Built for very high data volumes and scale, TargetOne can process 1 billion transactions for 10 million customers in less than an hour to execute predictive personalization. “Speed and accuracy in a campaign is crucial and we have been focused on combining the two for the benefit of the marketer”, added Hillary Ashton.

As a centralized multi-channel hub for targeted communication, TargetOne now allows marketers to send out mobile notifications to their customers’ smart phones. It can also send out unique coupons to each customer and track redemptions to identify promotion and channel effectiveness.

TargetOne takes campaign management and personalization to the next level with an award winning recommendation engine that embeds state of the art predictive algorithms. Marketers can now create effective multi-channel targeted campaigns, enriched with analytics driven customer engagement, take recommended actions automated by underlying algorithms and measure campaign effectiveness, all through a single pane.

About Manthan
Manthan is the Chief Analytics Officer for consumer industries worldwide. Manthan’s portfolio of analytics-enabled business applications, advanced analytics platforms and solutions are architected to help users across industries walk the complete data-to-result path – analyze, take guided decisions and execute these decisions real-time. Sophisticated, yet intuitive analytical capability coupled with the power of big data, mobility and cloud computing, brings users business-ready applications that provide on-demand access and real-time execution – the only path to profit in a contemporary, on-demand and connected economy. Manthan is one of the most awarded analytics innovators among analysts and customers alike. To see how your business can gain from analytics, visit

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