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RajMail for Universal Acceptance


Following Rajasthan Govt’s initiative for e-governance and IT and ITES Policies, renowned Rajasthan-based development firm XgenPlus developed and launched “RajMail” email account, which allowed users to access their emails in their preferred language. XgenPlus brought support for non-English mail access by overcoming technical disputes and issues such as unique authentication and easy availability of services. Launched in 2017, RajMail is now a commercially available email solution for the people of Rajasthan, configured and integrated for reliable email communication in regional language.

Government support

RajMail equips its users with a convenient emailing tool for carrying safe and coherent interaction for their business and for personal use. The entire project is well supported by the Govt of Rajasthan and is hosted on the Rajasthan State Data Center run by the Department of Information Technology and Communications (DoITC).

State appointed IT team in collaboration with support team at XgenPlus ensure for the efficient upkeep and functioning of the service which is deployed in a mirrored environment using the DoITC’s diverse infrastructure and stored on Rajasthan State Data Center.



The RajMail software consists of:

XgenPluse EAI-capable mail servers – providing the Mail Transport Agent (MTA) services, mail storage, etc. These are running on Redhat Linux operating system and Postgresql database.

The XgenPlus MTA also supports POP3 and IMAP access by third-party MUAs (end user mail clients) such as Microsoft’s Outlook 2016. This means that users don’t have to use the RajMail client if they have a different preferred email client.

SPAMJadoo, which is an EAI-ready anti-abuse, anti-spam, anti-malware filter software.*Web-based MUA (Mail User Agent) that provides access to the mail from any browser.

RajMail – a custom configuration of the XgenPlus email client for iOS and Android.


Projects like RajMail will help the world transform into a fully UA compliant institution across all web domains and states. UA supported regional data services can easily be made accessible for users by means of EAI address to ensure all the present and upcoming work infrastructure actively supports UA services and professional connect

Government of Rajasthan has been resolutely involved with the state’s DoITC and XgenPlus to make majority of systems UA-ready and interactive with EAI addresses. Initiatives like RajMail come across as a progressive endeavor to actuate access to personal and professional internet services across a linguistically diverse Internet model.



Universal Acceptance Steering Group (UASG), an earnest alliance of more than 120 global tech leaders like Afilias, Apple, GoDaddy, Google, ICANN, Microsoft, Verisign and XgenPlus, is working to address UA readiness issues and provide native support. The body works to ensure service equity and UA availability for all domain names and email addresses around the world.

The Universal Acceptance Steering Group is an Internet community initiative that was founded in February 2015 and tasked with undertaking activities that will effectively promote the Universal Acceptance of all valid domain names and email addresses. The group is made up of members from more than 120 companies (including Apple, GoDaddy, Google, Microsoft and Verisign), governments and community groups. The UASG receives significant financial and administrative support from ICANN.


For more information, visit https://uasg.tech