Route Mobile ranked World No. 2 among A2P Messaging Providers; jumps from 6th position last year to enter Tier 1 club – IT Voice | IT in Depth

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Route Mobile ranked World No. 2 among A2P Messaging Providers; jumps from 6th position last year to enter Tier 1 club

Route Mobile Limited, a global provider of communication services, today announced that it was ranked second among 46 A2P (application to peer) messaging providers globally in the independently conducted A2P SMS Messaging Vendor Performance Report 2017 by ROCCO, one of telecom industry’s leading consultants and research companies.

The Top 5 (Tier One) ranked companies, and their respective scores, were Infobip (4.24), Route Mobile (4.21), CLX Communication (4.19), Twilio (Beepsend) (4.03) and Nexmo (4.01). Route Mobile has made huge strides in its global rankings moving from 6th position last year to a very close 2nd position while simultaneously breaking into the prestigious Tier One club.

326 Mobile Network Operators (MNOs) covering 147 countries were surveyed for this report. They rated A2P Messaging Services providers on more than 35 aspects under Performance and Leadership KPIs.

To be ranked as a Tier One company, a company had to have an overall score at least a four out of a total five points. So, while, Route Mobile scored very high on all parameters to break into the Tier One category, it aced the scores for Uptime Performance, Implementation Process, Value for Money, Reliability, Route Monitoring & Management, Being Helpful in Exploring Other Types of Mobile Engagement, Being an Enabler, Being Dynamic, Being Empowering and Being Simple To Work with.

It also ranked a close second on parameters such as Global Reach, Technical Support, Security, Reporting, Impact on Existing Messaging, Direct Connections, Being Innovative, Thought Leadership, Being Inspiring and for its Local Expertise.

“A2P SMS is a highly competitive business and vendors must excel if they want to survive. As we can see from our report, Route Mobile have an excellent reputation for “Customer Service” and “Industry Expertise” which are important factors to their clients. We have watched Route Mobile mature within our reports, each year building a greater following in the industry and it is great to see them become one of the leading Vendors in A2P SMS,” says Jason Bryan, CEO, ROCCO.

“Throughout the years we continue to improve our approach to monetisation, we’re happy that partners working with us are seeing the results,” says Rajdip Gupta, Group CEO, Route Mobile Limited, “We are thankful for the positive feedback provided by MNOs and the trust that they have placed in us. They are an integral part of our journey and we will continue to improve our service to them.”
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