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Samsung Galaxy S5 May Be Cheaper Than Galaxy S4!

samsung-galaxy-s5As it seems, Samsung is seriously speculating a market-loss with the low reviews of the Galaxy S5 and the competition from new HTC One. The company is reportedly planning to cut price on its latest flagship smartphone.

The recently revealed specifications of S5 failed to create any news and it seems credible that the company cuts the price. The likely price range of the smartphone may be even lower than Galaxy S4 or Galaxy S3, at the time of launch.

Considering that Galaxy S4 sales did not reach any sky-high mark, Samsung may be implementing a reality check. Analyst say that the company can not always get the consumers by only getting more specifications, but not delivering contents on design and software.

The price cut is likely to reach lower than the earlier, predecessor models, of the S-series, said a ZDnet report. Previously, it was reported that Samsung was in talks with telecom operators to get the Galaxy S5 price down.

Understanding the today’s market, many mature markets have seen saturation, while the competition in young and developing markets is growing large-scale. It should be noted that on one hand, we are seeing specifications race up and on the other hand, the smartphone prices are going down. Many manufacturers like Xiaomi and Huawei have reportedly forced Samsung to balance between specs and pricing. The Galaxy S5 smartphone will be coming in the first quarter of 2014, and only then a clearer picture can emerge.

Source: EFY Times

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