Seeking Media Opportunity for Manusis Technologies – IT Voice | IT in Depth

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Seeking Media Opportunity for Manusis Technologies

Manusis Technolgies, an E-Commerce Solution Provider Company, Manusis Technolgiestarget s to the needs and complexities faced by Small Medium Entrepreneurs and Individual Entrepreneurs in building their own e-commerce website.

Manusis Technologies, having a strong and skilled R&D Team specializes in providing a wide range of secured, highly manageable, scalable Web Development Services like Custom Web Development, Mobile Application Development, Cloud Deployments, Multimedia Development. It also has expertise in offering Portfolio Services that include Social Network Sites, E-Commerce Sites, Web Portals and CMS Based Sites.

Manusis Technologies, is also looking forward to expand its team size by doubling the workforce in the coming month .The company is all positive to reach 500 stores from 50 current stores by the end of this year. In addition, they are all braced up to work with greater commitment to accomplish the targets and set the higher benchmark in the market.

The company has envisioned to spread its business in other continents especially US, Europe and Middleeast. They are prepared to cash the potential in the global market and are foraying in the foreign markets. The company is also investing on marketing while trying to step up the growth ladder to carry out the expansion activities. The company is also looking to raise funds to undertake the development .

Mr. Rajiv Kumar, 36 year old possesses iconic expertise in the field of Information Technology and Software Development. With a vast experience and deep knowledge of handling Technical Architecture and Technical Design Projects, he has now started his own Operation of providing E-Commerce Solutions to the Small Medium Entrepreneurs and Individual Entrepreneurs.

Mr. Rajiv Kumar, a qualified Software Engineer, who has a 15+ years of experience has offered his service to the Companies like Tata Infotech, ST Microelectronics, HCL Technologies, E-Trade Financial, Oracle, Waterfall Mobile, Tavant Technologies.

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