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Synersoft expresses sincere gratitude towards Therelek Engineers Private Limited, Bengaluru on the 4th Anniversary of BLACKbox adoption

Synersoft expresses sincere gratitude towards Therelek Engineers Private Limited, Bengaluru on the 4th Anniversary of BLACKbox adoption
Synersoft expresses sincere gratitude towards Therelek Engineers Private Limited, Bengaluru on the 4th Anniversary of BLACKbox adoption

The deployment is 100 users distributed across 2 locations with BLACKbox hosted at the Head Office. It is a Twin Device Deployment for redundancy with 64 TB of raw storage along with off-premise backup on BLACKbox cloud. This deployment is deployed to provide real time failover by BLACKbox Breath on Breath technology. It is equipped with SSD caching and network link aggregation to transfer heavy design files over the network.

BLACKbox has achieved the objective of protecting proprietary design data from loss, leakage and theft. Compared to traditional solutions this deployment has saved significant hardware and software cost.

It is a sense of pride for entire Synersoft Team. Thank you Mr. Hari Vasista, Director at Therelek Group for all your trust and customership. Thank you Mr. Girish T (CTO) for your insightful and valuable inputs to our product development team.

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