Qualcomm has unveiled the new generation 805 chipset with a quad core processor which can clock speeds upto 2.5 Ghz along with 4K graphics support, it also offers significant improvements in power
December 19, 2024
December 19, 2024
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Qualcomm has unveiled the new generation 805 chipset with a quad core processor which can clock speeds upto 2.5 Ghz along with 4K graphics support, it also offers significant improvements in power
Apple is in a waiting period with the US gadget giant seeking the “next big direction” almost two years after the death of its groundbreaking boss Steve Jobs, the company’s co-founder Steve
The service will be ad-supported, and free to use. ITunes Match users will get the ad-free service. This service launches “this fall”. In an announcement that would have made the rumor mill
Releases Developer Preview of the next desktop operating system, which packs in more than 200 new features. Consumers will have to wait till fall to download the new OS. Apple showed off
Cracking the Sony Music deal took the longest, and is the critical “big 3” signing after Universal and Warner Music. Apple has signed a deal with Sony Music Entertainment, the major label
LONDON: Steve Wozniak, who co-founded Apple with the late Steve Jobs, has called the criticism against the company’s tax policies as ‘extremely warranted’. He also added that it is ‘ethically wrong’ for
WASHINGTON: After computers, Apple is now eyeing to take the TV market by storm following a hint by CEO Tim Cook who said that the company maintains ‘a very grand vision’ of
It seems like the tussle between Apple and Google is finally taking it’s toll. Apple has claimed that Google Now voice controlled search infringes on two patents related to Siri. Apple’s current
Apple has stolen some of the thunder from Google’s announcements at I/O by making one of its own. It looks like Apple just couldn’t let Google bask in its I/O glory. Amidst