Lava has launched the Iris 405+ budget smartphone in India, the successor to the Iris 405. The company has priced the 3G-enabled Android 4.2-based smartphone at Rs. 6,999, and said that it
January 3, 2025
January 3, 2025
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Lava has launched the Iris 405+ budget smartphone in India, the successor to the Iris 405. The company has priced the 3G-enabled Android 4.2-based smartphone at Rs. 6,999, and said that it
Lava Mobiles’ new budget smartphone, the Iris 354e, is now listed at an online retailer for Rs. 3,415. As of now, the smartphone is out-of-stock at the e-commerce website, and offers a
Two new Micromax budget Android smartphones, dubbed Bolt A28 and Bolt A59, have been listed at an online retailer. Unfortunately, there is no word on the pricing of both the smartphones, which
Intex has launched a new budget Android smartphone, the Aqua i4+, pricing it at Rs. 7,600. The Intex Aqua i4+ is the successor to the Aqua i4 launched in September this year.
Gionee has officially unveiled the Elife E7 in India starting Rs. 26,999. The Chinese handset maker has announced that the smartphone will hit the market by January 15. Gionee globally announced the
Karbonn Mobiles has added another budget smartphone to its India portfolio. The company has launched the Karbonn Smart A5i, priced at Rs 3,699, in the Indian market. The device is available with
Xolo latest phablet, the Opus Q1000, is now available in the Indian market. The Xolo Opus Q1000 is up for pre-order at an e-commerce website at Rs. 9,999. The listing clearly suggests
Samsung’s latest budget Android smartphone, the Galaxy S Duos 2, is now official in India. The Samsung Galaxy S Duos 2 was listed on the company’s online store in November this year,
Gionee has expanded its Pioneer smartphone range with the launch of the Pioneer P3 at Rs. 7,499 for the Indian market. The latest Gionee Pioneer P3 is the successor to the Pioneer
The latest buzz in the market is the LG G2 that was recently launched and is now available on Infibeam for INR 43,490/- only. This mobile has been built keeping in mind
This September make your dream of getting an all new Samsung Galaxy S4 come true as Samsung is providing a 15% cash back offer on this high-end Smartphone. While the indigenous companies
The Indigenous mobile making company, Micromax is out with yet another mid-range Smartphone that has stunning features. Micromax is leaving no stone unturned in coming out with latest Smartphone models with best