Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg said he was thrilled that WhatsApp has gotten confirmation to release its transaction service in India. WhatsApp will release its transactions service in India starting with 2 crore
January 5, 2025
January 5, 2025
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Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg said he was thrilled that WhatsApp has gotten confirmation to release its transaction service in India. WhatsApp will release its transactions service in India starting with 2 crore
Twitter and Facebook have labeled as “misleading” in an election-eve post by the United States President and has claimed mail-in ballots in the key state of Pennsylvania would result in widespread fraud
WhatsApp now offers approximately one hundred billion messages each day. It has been proved by the Chief Executive Officer as he has shared during the newest quarterly earnings call. The application had
As per the company, FB’s public policy director for India, South and Central Asia, has stepped down to follow interests in public service. Previously this October, Sunil Abraham was chosen by Facebook
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Facebook moderators were reportedly pressurized by Genpact to return to the workplace despite safety concerns over the continuing pandemic. Genpact which is a 3rd party contracting firm that handles Facebook’s moderation operations,
Another former Hongkong Shanghai Banking Corporation ltd executive is heading to Libra (which is a cryptocurrency project backed by Facebook) joining as CFO of a unit tasked with handling the prearranged digital
Facebook says it will prohibit ads on its platform that deject vaccinations, with an exception which is carved out for advocacy ads about vaccine policies from the government. The multinational company has
Facebook’s CEO and founder and his wife donated an extra 100 million dollars to help local election offices get ready for November even as few conservatives are coming forward to stop the
The mobile team of PUBG has shared via the company’s social media accounts that PUBG has encountered with distributed denial-of-service attacks. The result of it is that it has caused some players
Facebook has said that the accounts made by the users were connected to Russian intelligence. People are linked to a company that is trying to sway away from the elections. Facebook revealed
Thailand’s Ministry of Digital Economy and Society registered licit protests with cybercrime police of the country against Facebook and Twitter. It was filed because these organizations missed time limits to obey fully