Panasonic had in November launched the P55 smartphone in India, priced at Rs. 10,290. The company on Thursday has launched a follow up handset called P55 Novo. Priced at Rs. 9,290, the
January 11, 2025
January 11, 2025
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Panasonic had in November launched the P55 smartphone in India, priced at Rs. 10,290. The company on Thursday has launched a follow up handset called P55 Novo. Priced at Rs. 9,290, the
Billionaire Anil Agarwal-led Sterlite Technologies on Wednesday announced an investment of Rs. 40,000 crores to set up a LCD panel manufacturing plant in the country, generating about 50,000 jobs. The company, which
Supporting the Digital India initiative, world’s largest software maker Microsoft on Wednesday said it will help the government in efforts to “transform” the country through technological innovations. In a video message on
Videocon on Thursday launched a slightly more powerful version of its Infinium Z51 Nova smartphone that was launched earlier this month. Called the Infinium Z51 Nova+, it is priced at Rs. 5,799.
Top CEOs from India and abroad on Wednesday committed to invest Rs. 4,50,000 crores for the Modi government’s ambitious ‘Digital India’ campaign to provide telephony and fast internet for all, with more
The competition in the Indian e-commerce space continues to intensify, and on Wednesday Flipkart announced a new feature on its mobile app that may give it an edge over its rivals. Called
Telecom major Bharti Airtel on Wednesday committed to invest more than Rs. 1,00,000 crores or about $16 billion in the next five years in Digital India initiatives. “We will make a very
Aimed at providing better connectivity to its customers, BSNL is all set to increase its total bandwidth up to 1Gbps by December this year, for which one new satellite EarthStation will be
Reliance Industries Chairman Mukesh Ambani on Wednesday committed an investment of Rs. 250,000 crores on “Digital India” and said he expected the group’s initiatives under it will create over 500,000 direct and
Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Wednesday launched the “Digital India Week” as part of the larger initiative to empower the people and extend services better with the use of information technology and
Vodafone’s initiative brings remote areas of Arunachal Pradesh on the information highway First private telecom operator to offer full fledged Voice and Data services in Tawang Tawang, Arunachal Pradesh, July 01, 2015:
Bharti Airtel on Tuesday said it has become the third-largest mobile operator in the world in terms of subscribers. As per the latest data published by World Cellular Information Service, Bharti Airtel,