Karbonn Mobiles on Wednesday launched the Titanium S19 smartphone at Rs. 8,999 in its new ‘Selfie’ range of smartphones. Earlier, the smartphone had gone on sale via a third-party retailer at the
~ Shoot like a pro with 13 MP Rear camera equipped with fast Sony Camera Sensor ~ ~ 5MP front camera with IR film for perfect selfies ~ ~ Host of pro-camera features
Popular online shopping portal Infibeam.com brings to its customers the long awaited Nokia Lumia 525. it has been launched with 1GB RAM and more features to allure each of its customers. A pocket
Ahmedabad: 07-Jan, 2014: Infibeam- a well known and renowned online shopping website is going to launch the Gionee Elife E7 and you can pre-order it online from the website. The phone has