Tesla Prone To Grave Damage – IT Voice | IT in Depth

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Tesla Prone To Grave Damage

Tesla’s Chief Executive Officer has recognized his business was the aim of a grave effort to collect the firm’s secrets.

An employee of tesla was offered a huge chunk of money by a Russian resident. It was done to allow an attack at Nevada’s tesla plant. And later on, the accusations were denied before the judge on 24th September.

The Russian resident said that he is not guilty in response to the conspiracy of causing major damage to a protected computer. Further, he said during his hearing that he wanted to go through the entire procedure as fast as possible.

The man also said that the Russian government is quite aware of the whole case, in front of the united states magistrate. The Establishments have not supposed that there is a link between Kriuchkov and Kremlin.


Image from Tesla


The judge has ordered the man to remain under custody for the trial which is on 1st December.

If the tables turn against him then he could be behind the bars for 5 years and has to pay 250k dollars.

The person’s documents have revealed that he was staying in the US on a Russian passport and a tourist visa.

Furthermore, the company has a huge factory around Reno which produces electric vehicles’ batteries & energy storage units. The officials from the company have not yet responded to the messages lately.

The documents have also exposed more information about the man regarding his extended stay and communicating with an unknown worker. The FBI has also recorded some of the meetings with him.

Fortunately, the steps were taken before anything major happens to tesla or its workers.

Kriuchkov was under arrest on 22nd August 2020 in LA. He was going to leave the country that day and before it could happen, he was arrested.



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