The latest WhatsApp Update adds new Group features for Admins and Members – IT Voice | IT in Depth

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The latest WhatsApp Update adds new Group features for Admins and Members

Source: BusinessToday

Two new updates to WhatsApp groups have been revealed by Meta, the parent company of WhatsApp, including a new privacy control tool for administrators and a way for users to discover which groups they share.

For group admins, WhatsApp now includes a Pending participants tool that gives them the ability to determine who can join the group. Admins will now have more control over who can join when they decide to post their group’s invite link or make their group joinable in a community, according to WhatsApp.

Users can now look up which organisations other people in their network belong to. They can see the contact’s affiliations in groups by simply conducting a name search for the contact.

Over the next few weeks, iOS and Android users will start to see the new group capabilities.

Although it’s unclear when it will be ready to go live, WhatsApp has been testing a new feature that will enable group chat memberships on the encrypted platform to expire after a predetermined amount of time.

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