This International Women’s Day, Capgemini reiterates its commitment towards gender diversity with a focus on its key gender balance initiatives. At Capgemini the principles of diversity are a source of creativity, innovation and inspiration for the company. Capgemini wants to be recognized worldwide as a leading responsible company using its expertise for positive impact as they are ‘Architects of Positive Futures’. It shapes how the company works with its customers, partners, suppliers and colleagues globally to create greater opportunities for sustainable business and affirms their status as an employer of choice.
Gender diversity is a critical priority for Capgemini to ensure it creates a sustainable pipeline of the best available talent and increase women representation at senior levels. To support this priority, the company runs various interventions.
Diversity ratio in India at Capgemini is close to 38%.
Below are some of Capgemini’s key gender balance initiatives:
fareWelcome! programme is designed to support women colleagues during the maternity phase – assist in transition from office to maternity leave, help stay connected with the organisation and colleagues during the maternity break and ease ‘back to work’ transition process. fareWelcome! aims at both – individuals and their people managers, ensure that all the stresses and demands experienced currently, can be discussed and managed openly, honestly and in collaborative and supportive environment. This program is also availed by women who adopt and new mothers through surrogacy.
Nearly 90% of women who went on maternity leave last year came back to work owing to the fareWelcome! Program.
Women Sponsorship Program
Women Sponsorship Program is a step towards building a strong pipeline of women leaders for future roles who are willing to take their career to the next level through sponsorship and advocacy of senior leaders. Finding an advocate within the senior leadership circles can help high-potential women leaders get much-deserved access and visibility.
The program is perceived for a period of 2 years to help the women protégés discover themselves, engage with the sponsors and senior leaders, develop on their existing strengths and build on their areas of improvement and be self-reliant. The success metrics and enablers of the program has been decided by the Protégés themselves in a series of Roundtables and the progress will be tracked on a regular basis using a SMART goals template.
CAPtivate is Capgemini’s Career Comeback initiative to support skilled female professionals who want to make a transition back into the workforce. As part of our exclusive, women-only campaign, resumes are invited from enthusiastic and talented women—currently on a career break—who are looking to get back to their careers.
Women who have been away from workplace, often find that they are overlooked due to the gap in their CV. CAPtivate is Capgemini’s effort to address their experience gap and provide another route to get talented women back into the workplace.
Women who are currently not employed for a minimum duration of a year can apply to jobs that are relevant to their work experience. A minimum experience of 3 years is essential. Selected candidates are offered full-time, regular employment at Capgemini.
In 2020, out of the total career comebacks who joined Capgemini nearly 50% were women.
WiTI (Women in Tech India)
WiTI (Women in Tech India) is an initiative to provide the company’s women colleagues (in mid-level), a platform to showcase and strengthen their skills, develop newer technical competencies, be more intentional about their careers and learn from their role models.
WiTI aims to inspire, empower and equip women to understand the dynamics surrounding leadership and build a purposeful plan for career development to take charge of their career for important causes and reasons with more conviction and confidence.
Mentoring Interventions
At Capgemini, the company has ambitious goals that can be achieved with a strong gender-balanced pipeline of leaders. It is committed to investing in learning opportunities and also believe that grooming talent needs to start early. It is imperative that they create an environment that helps their women colleagues to have a long, successful career with them. In line with this the company has various mentoring interventions such as: SPEED Mentoring and W2RT (a NASSCOM Program) to name a few.
SPEED Mentoring
SPEED’ is a mentoring program where participants explore and engage with mentors digitally – through a series of short, focussed conversations about specific topics. These conversations involve one-on-one interaction between participants and mentors.
The objective of SPEED is to connect, interact, and address the area of learning from the conversations with the leaders as learning comes from having the space to reflect on one’s experience and hear from others. Hence the program is designed to be listening, reflecting, and sharing exercise.
W2RT – a NASSCOM Program
Capgemini in India nominated 120+ colleagues for the Women Wizards Rule Tech (W2RT), a NASSCOM Diversity & Inclusion initiative with an aim to enable women technologists build awareness about tech capabilities/ skills in emerging technologies of their choice. This is a yearlong program started last year which includes Tech Masterclasses, Tech Problem sharing and solving sessions, Career development connects (Mentoring and role model interactions). The company’s leaders play a pivotal role in creating and maintaining an environment where colleagues can achieve their full potential. In line with that thought, the company has 9 Capgemini leaders in India participating as mentors in this program.
3 mins read
This International Women’s Day, Capgemini reiterates its commitment towards gender diversity