Mr. Vicky Jain, Founder, uKnowva ” “In 2022, data needs to become foundational and a “first-class citizen” to help CIOs make data-driven decisions to realize business value. Artificial intelligence and machine learning “are the top technologies that will help CIOs achieve their goals and the top choice for investment if they have additional financial resources. Going forward, the top three things for CIOs to prioritize are strategy, data literacy and AI. In 2022, organizations will also aim for architecture simplification without the unpredictability of costs, services and complex layers of tech at scale. One of the biggest data technology trends to watch in the upcoming year is harnessing enterprise data and assessing stakeholder expectations to understand where the business is at risk from climate change and where the business needs to act to become more sustainable Further, companies must adopt and embrace AI, ML and other advanced technologies in their HR operations. Such technologies are at the heart of capturing employee sentiment, talent analytics, network building and serendipity, continuous learning and redeploying talent.
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