Video Game Gun Thwarts Home Break-In – IT Voice | IT in Depth

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Video Game Gun Thwarts Home Break-In

maxresdefault-gunThankfully, I’ve never had my home broken into. I like to think if I was home and it happened that I’d do something creative to stop the robbery (in the style of the Home Alone movies), or that I’d go all Chuck Norris on the criminals. Truthfully, I don’t know what I’d do, and I guess none of us really know until we’re put in the situation. But one Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania man did something pretty creative when his home was broken into.

The 24-year-old (who is unnamed) was playing some video games in his room last week when someone broke into his house. Having headphones on for the game he was playing, he didn’t hear the person breaking in. In fact, he didn’t even know he was being robbed until the person busted through the door where he was gaming. After some quick thinking, he grabbed a nearby video game gun controller and used it to stop the criminal in his tracks. This worked so well that he was able to detain him until the police came and arrested him.
Game Over!

I have no idea what exact video game gun he used as the report didn’t specify, but I like to think it was one like the above. This story leads me to imagine the following scenario: 1) it was dark in the room; 2) the robber was new at the game; and 3) the robber had very limited knowledge of firearms. Who know, maybe the video game gun looked just like the real thing – whatever the case, it obviously got the job done and no one was hurt in the process. And, what better use for video games?

Have you heard other stories of quick thinking during home robberies? Let us know you thoughts regarding this story in the comments section below!

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