VMware Is Expanding Its Horizon Desktop virtualisation To Linux – IT Voice | IT in Depth

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VMware Is Expanding Its Horizon Desktop virtualisation To Linux

VMware’s VMware Horizon desktop virtualization software suite will VMwareHorizon6soon deliver virtual Linux desktops over a network, in addition to the Microsoft Windows desktops it has long provided for remote workers.

The company has launched an early access program for customers to test a version of Horizon 6 that can package server-based Red Hat and Ubuntu Linux desktops so they can be accessed from remote computers and mobile devices.

VMware is expanding its Horizon desktop virtualisation. The software suite will soon deliver virtual Linux desktops over a network. VMware Horizon 6 is the industry’s most comprehensive desktop and application virtualisation solution to deliver and manage any type of enterprise application and desktop, including physical desktops and laptops, virtual desktops and applications, and employee-owned PCs.

The software is designed to allow administrators to control their organisation’s Linux virtual desktops with the same tools that they use to manage their Windows virtual desktops.

The company has launched an early access program for customers to test a version of Horizon 6 that can package server-based Red Hat and Ubuntu Linux desktops so they can be accessed from remote computers and mobile devices.

VMware Horizon 6 introduces new capabilities integrated into a single solution that can empower IT with a streamlined approach for managing Windows applications and desktops. Innovations in application publishing, device support, application and desktop management, and storage and network support can help make managing mobile end-users easier and more cost-effective.

Customers can use VMware Horizon 6 to leverage the power of virtualisation and transform their desktops into secure virtual workspaces on their way to embracing business mobility.

Virtual desktop infrastructure (VDI) software can be handy for organisations that have mobile workers who need to access applications and desktop environments from multiple devices. Virtual desktops can also simplify the large-scale management of software and operating systems.

The company has updated Horizon 6 with additional capabilities for managing three-dimensional images and for integrating into software defined networks (SDNs).

The software now supports VMware NSX, which is the company’s set of technologies for virtualising network resources, allowing administrators to set up and tear down virtual networks more quickly.

VMware has worked with graphics card maker Nvidia to use that company’s virtual GPU technology on the server side so that it can deliver rich graphics to the remote desktop. The software also provides a way for remote applications to access files from a thumb drive plugged into the user’s machine.

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