WatchGuard Introduces Data Loss Prevention Solution for Unified Threat Management – IT Voice | IT in Depth

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WatchGuard Introduces Data Loss Prevention Solution for Unified Threat Management

watchguardWatchGuard® Technologies, a global leader in business security solutions, today introduced a Data Loss Prevention (DLP) solution for its Unified Threat Management (UTM) platform that simplifies compliance with leading regulatory standards in key markets worldwide. Users can select from a pre-configured library of more than 200 rules that monitor multiple file types, standards and sensitive data. This includes national identification numbers and other Personally Identifiable Information (PII), and can enable complex checks for HIPAA and PCI with a single click. This allows businesses to instantly protect data and prevent costly regulatory violations, which can top $5.4 million per breachi.

“Since 2005, more than 600 million records have been breachedii, and the stakes continue to rise as companies struggle to protect data in the face of increasingly complicated regulatory requirements and numerous file types,” said Roger Klorese, director of product management at WatchGuard. “With our DLP’s broad range of pre-configured rule sets, we instantly take the risk of misconfiguration out of the equation for our customers. And more importantly, because we protect against losing such a broad range of data types, we help address one of the key security concerns among customers – accidental loss from well-intentioned employees.”

In recent research conducted by WatchGuard, 65 percent of companies reportediii still not having a Data Loss Prevention solution in place, despite the potential for organizations to be penalized millions of dollars for losing sensitive data.

“In a global study of industry network professionals, of those that don’t have a DLP system in place, 35 percentiv were stymied by the cost of DLP solutions,” Klorese said. “The positive news for IT professionals is that by choosing a DLP solution that’s integrated with UTM, companies can simplify their data protection, while reducing their total cost of ownership for network security by nearly halfv. Plus, WatchGuard’s UTM platform is 3.5 times faster than similarly priced competing products, so customers can be confident that if they add DLP to their UTM solution set, network performance will not be impacted.”


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