Websense 2013 released Threat Report – IT Voice | IT in Depth

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Websense 2013 released Threat Report

Research findings released from Websense Security Labs report explosive year-over-year growth in global cyberattack trends.  “Year-over-year, the number of malicious web-based attacks increased by nearly 600 percent,” said Charles Renert, vice president of the Websense Security Labs. “These attacks were staged predominantly on legitimate sites and challenge traditional approaches to security and trust. The timed, targeted nature of these advanced threats indicates a new breed of sophisticated attacker who is intent on compromising increasingly higher-yield targets. Only proactive, real-time security techniques, that inspect the entire lifecycle of a threat, can withstand the assault and prevent data theft.”


Analysis and news headlines show that multistage attacks with multiple vectors have challenged security capabilities, as they worked to find weak spots and circumvent defenses. Attacks identified in the Websense 2013 Threat Report indicate a need for integration at the actual defense level and deep content security intelligence with real-time security defenses. When independent solutions are in place, there is  no way to ensure that email, web, mobile, social and data loss defenses are each prepared to perform their role to cohesively address an emerging threat. As a result, individual defenses are at the mercy of the least prepared security solution.

Real-time security defenses and shared intelligence serves as the backbone for the award-winning Websense TRITON  architecture. Websense TRITON unifies all the key components of threat protection and data theft prevention into a cohesive content security system. It brings together web security, email security, mobile security and data loss prevention (DLP) defenses with unified security intelligence and a unified management console. This intelligence is derived from more than 100 Websense Security Labs researchers worldwide, managing more than 10,000 analytics from analysis of up to five billion requests per day.

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