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Website Dedicated To Biometric Fingerprint Technology Introduced

Biometric being the buzz word in India in the last five years and Biometric Fingerprint Technology being at the centre has got all the Scannerattention. Either its UID Aadhaar where three biometric technologies are being used or any other e-governance project like driving license and passport seva project, fingerprint technology was of prime importance with each project. Considering this Fingerprint Technology Revolution, where even a small shop at the corner has installed a Fingerprint Time Attendance System and big corporate are implementing fingerprint based physical and logical access control system seamlessly integrated with fingerprint time attendance and visitor management system, “Biometric Fingerprint Scanner” (www.fingerprintsscanner.com), a website dedicated for Biometric Fingerprint Technology has been introduced.

Biometric Fingerprint Scanner, the website, has been introduced with consolidated information related to Biometric Fingerprint Technology, Products, Companies, Application and latest news. It also gets updated regularly on different topics related to Biometric Fingerprint Technology and Applications. Different Manufacturers across the worlds are getting listed here for showcasing their expertise and products manufactured by them. News related to these companies also gets updated on regular basis. Different Biometric Fingerprint Companies and distributors from India also got themselves registered with their offerings. Contact details of all the companies are available on their pages.

Manmohan Kumar, the promoter of the website said, “As this website is dedicated for Biometric Fingerprint Technology and has been started for benefitting different customers, system integrators and distributors looking for related updated information, we are updating it regularly and ensuring that visitors should have a new experience every time they visit the website.”

“As I have an experience of more than 12 years working for Biometric Fingerprint Technology, I would like to share my experience with the visitors which can provide them more insight and make them aware about the Technology, Products, Companies and different new applications getting introduced using Fingerprint Technology. It will help them growing their business and taking right decision. We have plans to introduce more new things like – Product Reviews, Expert Advice and Information relation to different business opportunity available in the market”, further added by Mr Kumar.

“Biometric Fingerprint Scanner” is available on Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIN also where interested people can get associated for regular updates. It can also be subscribed through its website for getting updates through email. One can visit its Facebook Page – https://www.facebook.com/fingerprintsscanner and like it for getting the updates through Facebook, one can also follow it on Twitter – https://twitter.com/BioFingScan, and Linked IN – https://www.linkedin.com/company/biometric-fingerprint-scanner for latest updates.

As the website is also available for related Press Releases, Articles, Case Studies, Product Launch and new application details, it can be sent to the admin on following email id for getting it published – [email protected]