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‘Poor Mr Double!’ says he; ‘there was only one way for him to jump you two young gentlemen out o’ that snapdragon bowl you was inor quashmire, call it; so he ‘ticed you on board wi’ the bait you was swallowing, which was making the devil serve the Lord’s turn If she had but been such an one, what sprightly colours, delicious sadness, magical transformations, tenderest intermixture of earth and heaven; what tears and sunbeams, divinest pathos: what descents from radiance to consolatory twilight, would have surrounded me for poetry and pride to dwell on! What captivating melody in the minor key would have been mine, though I lost herthe legacy of it all for ever! Say a petulant princess, a star of beauty, mad for me, and the whisper of our passion and sorrows traversing the flushed world! Was she coming? Not she, but a touchstone, a relentless mirror, a piercing eye, a mind severe as the Goddess of the God’s head: a princess indeed, but essentially a princess above women: a remorseless intellect, an actual soul visible in the flesh.

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The side she presents to us is horny, and not so agreeable Their dominion may be circumscribed, but they have it; and where we are now, my power equals that of the Kaiser and the Czar You will do me the favour to understand that I am not boasting, not menacing; I attempt, since it is extraordinarily imposed on me, to instruct you.


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The prince may be tricked; the princess, I am sure, will not I went bounding like a ball.

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