Wipro’s New Training Initiatives – IT Voice | IT in Depth

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Wipro’s New Training Initiatives

Wipro_4 Members_ITVoiceIT services company Wipro has announced the launch of new technical training programmes to re-skill its employees in digital and advanced technical skills.

The new programme is launched with the motive of providing heavy automation of commoditised service lines and a linear and multi-skilled workforce. The programmes include; ACME (All-round Capability Model of Excellence), UpScale and Cutting Edge. These programmes are part of a drive to skill in multiple areas.

Santurkar, VP at Wipro told ET that ACME has five dimensions of skills with technology by domain. The third dimension is the functional functional areas of ACME. Quality processes, especially with agile methodology coming in, counts as the fourth dimension while the last and the fifth dimension being behavioural skills.

The Upscale programme will place an emphasis on learning new skills while Cutting Edgewill attempt to identify the company’s top technical talent and highly skilled programmers who will be rewarded and incentivised differently from the rest of the organisation.

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