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Weather Risk Management Services Pvt. Ltd (WRMS) to provide Telemetric Rain Gauge Instruments to Karnataka State Natural Disaster Monitoring Centre (KSNDMC)

Weather Risk Management Services Pvt. Ltd (WRMS) to provide Telemetric Rain Gauge Instruments to Karnataka State Natural Disaster Monitoring Centre (KSNDMC)
Weather Risk Management Services Pvt. Ltd (WRMS) to provide Telemetric Rain Gauge Instruments to Karnataka State Natural Disaster Monitoring Centre (KSNDMC)

Weather Risk Management Services Pvt. Ltd. (WRMS) (www.wrmsglobal.com/) recently announced that it will be providing telemetric rain gauge instruments to Karnataka State Natural Disaster Monitoring Centre (KSNDMC). The five-year project includes the supply, installation and comprehensive maintenance of telemetric rain gauge stations across 3003 locations in 30 districts of the state, covering North Interior Karnataka, South interior Karnataka, Malnad and the coastal region.

WRMS is an industry leader in Climate Outlook and Weather Forecasting Services and builds resilience against vagaries of weather. The company will provide KSNDMC with real-time rain data that can be leveraged for generating reports, forecasts, alerts and advisories for various purposes.

Commenting on the announcement, Mr Ashish Agarwal, Co-Founder & CTO, WRMS said, “One of the core competencies of WRMS is in IoTs and providing data as a service (DAAS). By deploying this niche of ours, we will be offering devices and data analysis to KSNDMC. We are confident that through data refinement methods, statistical models and on-ground observatories, KSNDMC will be able to detect weather-related risks in time to avoid disasters. We are already a key player in the weather IoT space, and this project is a major leap forward for us to expand our solution across India.”

Karnataka was the first state in the country to establish a Drought Monitoring Cell (DMC) in 1988 as an institutional mechanism to monitor droughts. The Master Control Facility will strengthen the activities of the Centre in providing information, reports & advisories to the community, research organizations and the Government. The Centre provides inputs to the farming community, agriculture and horticulture sector, fisherman, transport, power and electricity, State and District level Disaster Management Authorities in Karnataka through state-of-the-art sensors, monitoring natural hazards and communication systems.

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