Xolo has launched yet another smartphone today, the Q1100, which is listed on company’s website at a price of Rs 14,999. The availability of the product is still to be confirmed by the company.
The Xolo Q1100 runs Android 4.3 out-of-the-box, featuring a 720p display and dual-SIM (GSM-GSM) support. The connectivity options such as Bluetooth, Wi-Fi, GPS, AGPS, EDGE, and 3G are available in the phone, like all standard smartphones. It has a 2000mAh battery, which is likely to deliver 24 hours of talk time and 600 hours of standby time on a 2G network.
The handset maker is apparenty competing with the likes of Moto G. Xolo Q1100 is powered by the Snapdragon 400 SoC (MSM8228, while Moto G has MSM8226), with four cores clocked at 1.4GHz. The new handset appears to be slightly advanced than its Motorola smartphone contemporary. The Android smartphone also has 1GB RAM and an Adreno 305 GPU, much like Moto G.
Xolo Q1100 has a 12.7cm (5-inch) HD IPS display with OGS and 720p resolution, with a pixel density of 294ppi. It packs an 8-megapixel rear shooter with LED flash and BSI 2 sensor, with 2-megapixel front camera. The new Xolo smartphone also has an expandable storage of 8GB over the internal storage.
Source: EFY Times