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Amazon managers authorized to terminate employees who refuse to work in the office for three days a week

Amazon has modified its return-to-office policy, granting managers the authority to terminate employees who decline to adhere to the requirement of working in the office for at least three days a week. The new policy mandates that Amazon employees attend the office three times per week, and those who cannot meet this requirement must request an official exemption from their manager. The guidelines provided to managers outline the steps for addressing employees who do not comply with the three-day office mandate.

Initially, non-compliant employees are expected to have a private discussion with their managers, followed by a documented email. If non-compliance persists or if an employee refuses to return to the office, a second meeting is necessary within one to two weeks. During this meeting, the job’s necessity for physical office presence for a minimum of three days per week is reinforced, and it serves as a warning that prolonged non-compliance without a valid reason could result in disciplinary action, including termination.

If the employee does not demonstrate immediate and sustained attendance following the initial conversation, a follow-up discussion should be conducted within a reasonable time frame, typically one to two weeks. This conversation reiterates the requirement of returning to the office for at least three days a week and emphasizes that continued non-compliance without a legitimate reason may lead to disciplinary action, including termination.

In cases of extended non-compliance, Human Resources representatives are brought in to issue written warnings or take more severe actions against policy violations. Amazon is pushing for a return to a traditional office work environment, having initially directed corporate employees to return to the office for a minimum of three days per week in May. This move reflects Amazon’s increased urgency to reinstate in-office work after an extended period of remote working.

In addition to the return-to-office mandate, Amazon also previously directed remote-based workers to relocate closer to office “hubs” in July, with the alternative being the acceptance of a ‘voluntary resignation’ package. In September, Amazon implemented a significant shift in attendance tracking, transitioning from anonymized data to individual records shared with employees.

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