1 min read

Bubbles appear on Google Glass’s screen by heat, which is causing furore

Though Google Glass is a breakthrough technology but we can now see a number of problems arising with it. Many users are reporting Glass break which has some bubble effect. Explorer Edition users who spent $1,500 a pop are seriously not happy.

The mirror inside the Glass is supposed to reflect an image from some internal projector and beam it vertically on eye. Its surface is crinkling like a tinfoil. These air bubbles gives a very hazy picture and traumatized look when you see through the glass prism although its functionality remains the same.

Not meant for summers?

The defect happened because of heat. Extended use under the sun is causing this problem and even temperatures aren’t that high. Google also failed to provide information on providing maximum and minimum temperature for using Google Glass.

However Google knows about the problem and troubleshooting such devices and even replacing it with the new one. The media department is silent on such issue. Heat and humidity are no match for a device which will be used throughout the day!

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