Indian audio & wearable brand Crossbeats has introduced its latest ANC true wireless EPIC, unique curved design earbuds powered with Active Noise Cancellation. Packed in an exquisite & compact chargeable black case, Crossbeats EPIC earbuds boast Hybrid ANC Technology and comes with three noise-canceling modes. Launched at an introductory price of Rs 4,999, EPIC is currently available exclusively on Crossbeats website, and will soon be made available on Amazon and other marketplaces.
The two buds with Instant Auto-On technology get paired instantly once taken out from the case while the ergonomically designed EPIC fits comfortably causing no pain in the ears. For flawless two-way communication, the ANC earbuds are equipped with 6 microphones and enhanced 13 mm drivers. Furthermore, Crossbeats EPIC comes with touch-enabled stem control so that one need not take the mobile phone out every time a call has to be received or playlist has to be shuffled.
Referring to the new product, Crossbeats Co-Founder Archit Agarwal said, “Crossbeats is an ally of the urban Indian that is adventurous and always on the move. As its name suggests, EPIC is in sync with our ethos of pushing the boundaries of science, technology, and art. The latest ANC true wireless earbuds are your perfect companion for all your activities like listening to music, working out, or taking calls on the go. Its touch-enabled stem controls and multiple microphones are bound to make it the most sought-after gadgets for young Indians who are ready for the future.”
Crossbeats EPIC comes with a powerful battery with playtime lasting up to 24 hours for constant use without the charging case. It also supports fast C-type charging and is available in black color.
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