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Global Security Conclave, 2023, by Daily Host News, unites top industry leaders and service providers in Cyber protection space.

As the world grapples with increasing cyber threats, Daily Host News (DHN) successfully conducted its first Global Security Conclave 2023 on July 13th at the prestigious Eros Hotel, Nehru Place, in Delhi. This highly anticipated conclave, which marked DHN’s inaugural
event, attracted over 150 influential leaders in the IT sector in India, offering a great opportunity for networking, knowledge sharing, and building business relationships.
The event provided an opportunity for the partners and IT leaders to connect with peers, know how they can expand their portfolio with Cyberprotection services, and stay updated on the ever-evolving cybersecurity landscape. The opening address, delivered by Jyotsana Gupta, Editor in Chief, DHN, set the tone for the evening’s proceedings. “The cloud has revolutionized the way we store, access, and process information. It has brought unparalleled convenience and scalability to businesses, governments, and individuals alike. However, as the cloud continues to expand its reach, so do the risks and vulnerabilities associated with it. The Global Security Conclave 2023 serves as a platform for industry leaders, cybersecurity experts, policymakers, and thought leaders from around the world to come together, share insights, and collaborate on strategies to ensure the utmost security in the cloud era,” she said.
The opening address was followed by some insightful presentations by the sponsors of the event – Acronis, InstaSafe, and ZNet Technologies. Sabarinathan Sampath, Senior Vice President & COO of ZNet Technologies, delved into ZNet’s comprehensive suite of cybersecurity solutions. He emphasized the criticality of safeguarding customers’ data in the cloud and how service providers should work together to create security awareness among their customers. He said, “In the face of evolving cyberthreats, a new horizon of opportunities has emerged for service providers of cyber protection solutions. As IT heads of organizations, we must recognize that these challenges also present a unique chance to shine.

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