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MachineCon GCC Summit 2024: Key CXO Roundtable Explores AI’s Impact on Product Development and Innovation

At the MachineCon GCC Summit 2024, organized by AIM Media House, top executives from Global Capability Centers (GCCs) gathered for a pivotal CXO roundtable discussion on “Leveraging AI for Cutting-Edge  Product Development and Innovation in GCCs” led by Himanshu Verma, Country Leader and VP for Engineering at Eventbrite India. The esteemed panel featured industry thought leaders such as Himanshu Shah, Managing Director of Snowflake India; Thameem Kamaldeen, Managing Director at Alstom Transportation; Prakash Pillay, Executive Director at UBS; Veena Venugopal, Head of Aircraft Health Engineering at Airbus in India; Abhijith Neerkaje, Head of Data Science & Analytics at Falabella; Subhobroto Ghosh, Head of Data & Analytics at Allstate India; Manish Menon, Office Managing Principal at ZS; Issac Mathew, Senior Director of Data Science – AI at Kenvue; and Kislay Raj, Head of Philips GBS Data Analytics CoE at Philips.

The roundtable commenced with a robust exploration of AI’s dual role in enhancing operational efficiencies and driving innovation within GCCs. Panelists shared compelling case studies illustrating how AI-powered innovations have streamlined workflows and optimized decision-making processes across diverse sectors. Discussions swiftly shifted to strategic AI allocation, balancing enhancements in operational efficiency with fostering innovation in product development—an essential theme underscoring the strategic use of AI resources within organizations.

Deepening the conversation, industry leaders examined advanced AI applications such as deep learning and predictive analytics, highlighting their role in personalizing client interactions while navigating challenges related to prediction accuracy. Panelists stressed continual refinement of AI models to uphold reliability in decision-making, critical for maintaining stakeholder confidence in AI-driven initiatives. Moreover, the integration of generative design technologies into product development cycles emerged as a pivotal topic, underscoring both its transformative potential and the practical hurdles faced in adoption. 

Throughout the dialogue, there was a resounding consensus on AI’s ability to expedite time-to-market and optimize operational processes through automation. Emphasis was placed on fostering collaborative ecosystems between AI specialists and product development teams to maximize innovation output and ensure seamless implementation of AI-driven insights into actionable strategies.

In the concluding segment of the roundtable discussion, Verma steered the panel to collectively explore emerging AI trends set to redefine product development within GCCs. The panel highlighted AI’s pivotal role in solidifying future innovation strategies, emphasizing its ability to shape a dynamic landscape where advanced technologies seamlessly integrate with strategic market leadership. The discussion not only empowered leaders from diverse sectors to evaluate AI’s transformative potential but also to collaboratively chart a course for GCCs to effectively leverage its capabilities. This forward-thinking approach lays the groundwork for a future where innovation and market leadership converge seamlessly, positioning GCCs for global excellence.

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