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Replace Tacky ‘To-Let’ Boards with Smart QR Codes

Propscan brings a unique QR code for property owners to get in touch with interested leads

Propscan powered by Qdesq, is a new-age solution for the owners of vacant properties to sell or rent property faster by placing a smart and unique QR code outside their – shop, office, warehouse etc. The solution helps the landlords and owners by getting them interested tenants and buyers. The aim of introducing this brilliant hack by Qdesq was to take the selling and renting property experience to the next level. Qdesq is known for transforming and bringing flexibility and agility to workspace acquisition. With Propscan, the brand aims to create a hassle-free bridge between the owner and buyer, tenant or broker.

Diving deep in Propscan, it offers a QR code for the property owners to print and display outside their vacant property. The interested tenant, buyer or broker scans the QR code and submits its credentials to the property owner. This allows the owner to receive all the leads via email and pick the relevant ones for further discussions. The most significant advantage is that the owner’s credentials remain protected, and they receive only relevant leads. In short, it capitalises on the offline and the physical medium to get leads for the property, which no one is addressing in today’s online lead generation landscape. 

On the launch of Propscan,Paras Arora, Founder & CEO-Qdesqshares, “In this digital era of QR Codes, performance-based marketing, metaverse and now AI, why is finding prospective buyers and tenants still a cumbersome process? Thus, we came up with this hack to solve the problem of the local real estate owners and be the facilitator between the struggling parties who cannot find a proper way to reach out to their prospects. As India’s fastest growing Proptech company, we are certain this will be a hassle-free and seamless product that the market is ready to adopt.”

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