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Social Media Day- How Web3 brands are leveraging Social Media – Views from BuyUcoin, Liminal & Tezos India

Shivam Thakral, CEO of BuyUcoin, India’s second longest-running digital asset exchange

“In the realm of web3, brands bridge the digital divide, harnessing the power of social media to forge genuine connections and create a decentralized community of empowered individuals. Web3 brands are embracing social media as a powerful tool to establish meaningful connections with their target audience. By leveraging the decentralized nature of web3 technologies, these brands transcend traditional boundaries and engage in open and transparent conversations. They utilize social media platforms to share their vision, values, and updates, inviting their audience to actively participate and contribute. Through interactive content, engaging storytelling, and collaborative initiatives, web3 brands foster a sense of belonging and empower their community members to co-create and shape the brand’s trajectory. In this interconnected digital landscape, social media becomes the catalyst for a decentralized revolution, enabling web3 brands to connect, inspire, and thrive.”

Raisa Kazi, Head of Marketing, Liminal- a wallet infrastructure & custody solutions platform

“Web3 brands today are leveraging social media in diverse ways to establish connections with their target audience. Platforms like Twitter, Discord, and Telegram serve as channels for sharing project updates, engaging in conversations, and fostering a strong sense of community. Social media also enables web3 brands to conduct promotions, giveaways, attract new users, and drive traffic to the websites.

One of the primary advantages of utilizing social media for web3 brands is its ability to reach a global audience. With web3 being a worldwide phenomenon, social media platforms provide an ideal avenue for brands to connect with users across different regions. Moreover, social media offers precise targeting capabilities, allowing brands to identify and engage users based on demographic data, interests, and even past investment patterns. This granularity ensures that brands can reach users who are most likely to have an interest in their products or services.

In essence, social media serves as a powerful tool for web3 brands to connect with their target audience, cultivate relationships, and stimulate growth. By embracing transparency, decentralization, and community-driven interactions, brands establish trust, foster loyalty, and nurture a sense of belonging. Within this dynamic landscape, social media acts as a catalyst, enabling transformative relationships between brands and their tribes. It serves as a gateway to authenticity, empowering users to actively participate in co-creating brand narratives and redefining the very concept of engagement.”

Poorvi Sachar- Head of Operations, Tezos India- a blockchain adoption entity.

In the web3 industry, social media has become a powerful tool for web3 brands to connect with their target audience. By seamlessly integrating social platforms, these brands create genuine relationships with users. Transparency and user-centricity are key principles guiding their approach, fostering communities that drive innovation and empower individuals.

Collaborating with influencers has emerged as a successful strategy for web3 brands to effectively communicate their message and enhance credibility. Through dedicated channels, open discussions are encouraged, nurturing community engagement and valuable feedback. Social media contests and giveaways incentivize user participation, generating excitement and spreading awareness.

These strategies enable web3 brands to build stronger relationships, foster trust, and expand their reach within the decentralized landscape. By embracing social media, web3 brands establish a solid presence in the evolving digital realm, unlocking the power of decentralization and rewriting the rules of engagement.”

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