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The 2023 Norton Cyber Safety Insights Report shows the average amount lost to holiday shopping scams is over 20,000 INR

The cybersecurity report says 81% of Indians wish they knew how to better protect themselves from cybercriminals during the holiday season

Norton, a consumer Cyber Safety brand of Gen™, today released its latest Cyber Safety Insights Report. As the holiday season approaches, a recent survey of Indian consumers reveals intriguing insights into holiday shopping trends, security practices, and concerns. Conducted by Norton, this survey sheds light on the behaviours and priorities of Indian holiday shoppers.

While many Indians are willing to take risks during festive season shopping, the Norton survey also reveals many Indians are taking general precautions with their online safety: 

  • 88% check ratings for online sellers before making purchases
  • 85% investigate the digital security of devices
  • 82% assess a company’s social media presence for authenticity
  • 76% abandon purchases on non-authentic websites
  • 73% prefer to pay through third-party payment providers like PayPal

71% avoid making purchases on public or unsecured Wi-Fi networks 

“As we embark on another festive season, it’s crucial to remember that our online safety should remain at the forefront of our minds. With most consumers planning to shop online, it’s imperative that we stay vigilant and prioritize security. The digital landscape offers fantastic deals and convenience, but it also presents potential risks. By taking precautions, such as using trusted security software and verifying the authenticity of websites and sellers, we can enjoy the festive season with peace of mind,” said Ritesh Chopra, India Director at Norton. 

An overwhelming 96% of Indian consumers plan to engage in holiday shopping. When it comes to securing high-demand gifts this season, Indian shoppers are willing to take risks and spend money. According to the survey:

  • 30% are ready to spend more than the market value by 4,000 INR
  • 41% are willing to spend over three hours searching online
  • 37% say they’d share their personal information to get the gift, and 
  • Many would do things to put their security at risk, with 19% wiling to purchase from a questionable website, 31% willing to buy from a questionable third-party and 18% even willing to buy something on the Dark Web

Norton recommends a variety of tips to help protect against scams, depending on the type. These practices include:

Check the details of any online store you’re unfamiliar with: Look for details like design, pricing, URL, language, spelling errors, and reviews before making purchases on an unfamiliar website. Shady designs and low-quality images are a sign that they were stolen from another site. Make sure the reviews match the product page and double check by looking for off-site reviews. To be extra cautious, try a simple Google search of the store name + scam or fraud. You can also search for the store in the Better Business Bureau’s scam tracker.  

Be wary of offers that are too good to be true: Many online shoppers are scammed by responding to deals that are too good to be true. Criminals often create ads for highly-discounted designer or luxury items, but after ordered these items don’t arrive or are counterfeit. Be careful and if something seems to good to be true, it probably is.   

Create strong, secure passwords and use a password manager: If you need to create an account for an online store to make a purchase, make sure you are using a secure and unique password. A password manager is a powerful tool to keep credentials safe when shopping online. If you have the option, enable two-factor authentication for an added layer of security.    

Monitor your credit and bank statements for signs of fraud: If a scammer gains access to your financial information, they can rack up charges on your credit card and ruin your credit score. Make sure to regularly check your bank and credit card statements for any suspicious transactions. Scammers often make smaller changes to verify the card works. If you become a victim of fraud, be sure to report it to your bank or credit card issuer immediately. 

Be cautious when shopping over public Wi-Fi: Public Wi-Fi networks are easy to hack and cybercriminals can intercept the data you send to a shopping site like a credit card or payment details. When shopping online, make sure you’re using a secure internet connection. If you need to make purchases while traveling, use a virtual private network (VPN).   

Use official shopping apps when possible: Most large retailers like Amazon or Target have their own mobile apps. These apps can be much safer than visiting their website. Be sure to keep your apps updated to avoid bugs or vulnerabilities by turning on auto-updates.  

Sign up for identity theft protection: Even when following safety tips, there’s still a chance you could get hacked or scammed. To keep your online accounts and financial information safe from criminals, consider signing up for an identity theft protection service like Norton 360 with LifeLock select.   

About the 2023 Norton Cyber Safety Insights Report: Special Release – Holiday 

The study was conducted online within India by Dynata on behalf of Gen from August 17th to September 4th, 2023 among 1,008 adults ages 18 and older. Data are weighted where necessary by age, gender, and region, to be nationally representative.

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